Trying to decide what to get the pup who has everything??
A LaLa Pupcake!
Gluten free, sugar free, savory italian spice &
turkey flavored cake, rawhide frosting and apple chewy sprinkles?!?!
turkey flavored cake, rawhide frosting and apple chewy sprinkles?!?!

Once it was dry it held the shape almost perfectly. A little peanut butter underneath held the top on and made the 'frosting' a snug fit. The apple chewy sprinkles were apple flavored treats cut into small rounds. I used my large cupcake pan, but this could have easily been made in a regular size muffin tin for all your dog friends to share!
But did it really taste good?!?
Our dog Peanut, my fellow blogging enthusiast (BrownsLab), thought so. Although as a lab, his taste are very undiscriminating. He's eaten everything and anything from table scraps, to onions, to cold medicine to chocolate kisses foil wrapper and all (No we didn't give him cold medicine or chocolate but anything in snouts reach is fair game.. surprisingly the vet wasn't concerned about him eating either, a teaspoon of peroxide and a good run around the yard got the chocolate back out still wrapped)
But what really matters was that birthday girl Remi enjoyed the cake!... You may just have to remind your pup, as with any cake, a little goes a long way!
Yum.... Moomba and Blazer are drooling all over the keyboard. They said they miss you Auntie Leah.... ;) :) looks great and doggie delicious!